25, April 2015

Posts, not spam!

Hi guys! RIPPED Towers fitness models has (quite rightly) had a few comments recently that we aren’t blogging very often. As one of the leading fitness modelling agencies representing the best female fitness models, muscle models, male underwear models and bikini models the UK (and world) has to offer, we should be blogging more. But we haven’t been. Why is this?

1. We are so flat-out busy.

2. We like to let our results do the talking 🙂

3. We keep getting SPAMMED!

Yep – every post we have generates comments from automated sites that try and flog us everything from discount shoes to steroids (which we do NOT want to know, thank-you). We soend so long removing these posts that it puts us off blogging. However, no more! We aren’t going to let the spammers stop us talking to you. We are one of the leading fitness modelling agencies – so be gone you spammers! We are going to take you on and we are going to WIN!

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